How to avoid the OEM ‘Blame Game’

1 minute read

What’s the OEM ‘Blame Game’?

Your business will have many Routers, Servers, Storage and other devices and you will almost certainly be using a mix of different OEMs (Original Equipment Manufacturers). Often as not, when you have a fault it is clearly with a particular piece of kit so you simply call the relevant engineer.

However, what happens when two pieces of equipment aren’t talking to each other? One manufacturer’s router can’t see another’s server or a server stops talking to its storage device? You call the engineer for the kit that has given you the obvious error message. Several hours later they turn up and quickly pronounce ‘oh no, it’s not our kit – it’s the other manufacturer’s.’ So they leave, you wait for the other engineer to turn up only for them to state just as categorically that it’s down to the first piece of kit. You then spend days trying to get them to talk to each other and agree what the actual problem is. Meanwhile your valuable services are out of action.

Sound familiar?

How to avoid the ‘Blame Game’.

How about you have access either to one engineer who understands both pieces of kit or two specialist engineers who work for the same company and who are incentivised to work with each other and solve the fault as quickly as possible?

That’s exactly what you should get with a TPM (Third Party Maintenance provider).

No Game, no Blame with Support 247.

At Support 247 our engineers have a wide range of skills across different manufacturers. Chances are that they can deal with all aspects of any problem spanning multiple devices. If not, then as the specialists will both be working for us, they will be keen to collaborate to diagnose and resolve your problems as quickly and painlessly as possible.

Support 247 specialises in affordable maintenance, support, and warranty services for all major OEM branded hardware – and many obscure ones! You can be sure that wherever any problems are, we will be able to resolve them for all the kit you have contracted to us.

Contact Support 247 here today to learn more about how we can help.